Saturday, April 6, 2013

GG's Saturday Movie: Chocolat

Today's movie was another one from my personal collection (again, I'm sorry for the quality of the picture, I'll try to get a new camera soon) and I have this DVD as a gift from a magazine I bought several years ago.
Who doesn't love chocolate?And when you pair it up with Johnny Depp and beautiful French scenarios, what else can you ask for?
Vianne Rocher loves to travel and move from one location to another together with her daughter. When she arrives in a small village and she opens a chocolate shop right across the church, the people are not to happy about it. But with her specialties and her kindness she soon makes some friends, including Roux, a gypsy who is passing by too.
I just love to see how chocolate can change so much in a person's life because it brings a drop of joy and excitement. And I always question if Vianne and her daughter can finally find some peace in a place, although I already know the ending. And I like the fact that Vianne as a character stands for a person's right to be unique and special in a conservative world. Maybe the movie is set up several decades ago, but the same things happen even today especially in small communities.
Not to mention that at least I can feast my eyes with delicious chocolate without to have to worry about the calories. And yes, I did enjoy some real chocolate after watching the movie, and this was definitely one of my favourite ways of spending my Saturday!

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