Friday, April 19, 2013

New Beauty Box in Romania! Magic Box

Here in Romania, beauty boxes are not that popular, because we don't get many full-size products or big-size samples, so people are not that happy with them.Currently there is Pink Box and Lulu Box and Sabon have released their own beauty box called Magic Box. They made the announcement this morning and all the 120 boxes are already sold-out. So, until May there's no chance of ordering them.
Magic Box  is available for ordering only online. It contains 3 full-size products, 2 samples or miniatures and one surprise-product, all Sabon, of course, so if  you're a fan of the brand it's a pretty good deal. Sabon  products are not that cheap. The price of a Magic Box is 65 lei (about 20 dollars, or 15 euro), delivery taxes included and it can be ordered here.

2 comentarii:

Adina Aruştei said...

foarte frumos.. dar n-am gasit pe nicaieri impresii despre magic box, continut..

Unknown said...

Nici eu. DAR am vazut pe pagina lor de Facebook ca sunt opinii impartite, ca la orice cutie de acest gen. Unii oameni erau multumiti de ce au primit, altii au considerat ca acea cutie era cu produse care nu se vand la Sabon.Nici eu nu stiu ce sa cred.

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