Tuesday, July 23, 2013

Book review: Amanda's Wedding by Jenny Colgan

These days, I'm all about reading, so it's no surprise I have another review for you. This is my second Jenny Colgan book, as I read West End Girls a couple of years ago and I liked her writing, so I went for another of her books.
Amanda's Wedding is a classic chick-lit (well, obvious) about a girl named Mel, who's the typical hot mess we find in these books. She's unhappy with her job, her roommate, Linda, is a little weirdo, her boyfriend Alex, a wannabe rock star went to the US without even telling her and to make things worse, her frenemy, Amanda is getting married. Amanda was the popular girl at school and she's like from the Mean Girls movie, so Mel and Fran, her childhood friends can't even stand her. To make things worse, Amanda is marrying Fraser, Mel's crush from college, so she's even more upset.
Luckily, Fraser's brother,Angus, is a really good guy and Mel likes him a lot, but Alex, her "boyfriend", returns unexpectedly from the US and he's acting like nothing happened. And poor Mel is still head over heels in loved with him and she forgives him.
Jenny Colgan is not that good at describing funny situations or building strong characters or things like that, but what got my hooked on her writing is the dialogue. Her characters have sarcasm and witty remarks all the time, so I find the book to be amusing, even though there are some British humour things I didn't quite understand. If you like Amanda's Wedding, give West End Girls a try too, because it's about two crazy sisters and I liked it even more than this book.

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