Sunday, July 28, 2013

Thrift Shop findings

I'm gonna pop some tags
Only got twenty dollars in my pocket
I - I - I'm hunting, looking for a come-up
This is fucking awesome
Well,besides me liking Macklemore and Ryan Lewis, I also like going from time to time to thrift shops hoping to find some nice things. That almost never happens, because I don't know if this is something typical for Romania or just for my town, but the clothes they have here in thrift shops are merely rags. And I say that just to be nice, because I wouldn't want them if they were free, let alone pay for them.
Luckily for me, a friend of my mom,just opened up a thrift shop a couple of weeks ago and she gets nice stuff. Not anything vintage,I mean, there's not going to be a Dior waiting on the corner when you go shopping, but the clothes are very little worn and they don't smell (that is something common for thrift shops too, the clothes smell bad, I don't know if it's from cleaning solutions or storage or what) because she cleans them before she sells them.
To make a long story short, I wanted to show you two jackets I got from there. The first one is a no name brand because someone ripped the tag off, so it only says it's made in Italy.

I like the color, a nice chocolate brown, and it fits me perfectly.The belt highlights my waist and the pockets are real pockets, not just fake ones. The jacket is made of cotton and it was only 4 euro.
The second jacket was a real surprise, not just because it looks so modern with the zippers and the caps, and the silver grey color, but also because it's designer.

It's a jacket made by German designer Gerry Weber, from his Taifun Collection. I couldn't find the exact jacket on the site, but similar ones were about 100 euros. And I got mine for 3!Isn't that a bargain or what? The jacket looks impeccable, it's not worn out or anything, so I think it was a great find.
Now, if I could only fins some nice tshirts to add to my collection this summer, that would be great!

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