Tuesday, November 12, 2013

BOOK BITS: Young Adult books

This is going to be a new type of post on my blog, when I read some books who are plain boring and don't even deserve a negative review.
So, after reading Hopeless, I jumped on the YA train (again) and I started to read some recommendations on goodreads. Well, unfortunately, I found 3 books who were not entertaining for me, so now I'm on a reading break again. Let's do the in order, shall we?

The Edge of Never by J.A. Redmerski
I thought this was going to be sensitive and touching like Hopeless. Well, not. It's about this girl, Camryn whos' going on a bus without having a destination in mind because of he problems she has. She meets a weird boy named Andrew and they both start a road trip together. I didn't like the fact that Camryn and Andrew were just two horny teenagers and I didn't buy their love story for some reason. Also, the ending is written like in a rush. You have the dramatic point and then about 2 pages where the author wraps everything up. There's also a second book, but I don't even care to read it.

There is No Light in Darkness by Claire Contreras
This also had great reviews online and I don't know why. The story is about Blake, Cole and a group of friends, all orphans who grew up together. Blake and Cole were a couple in high school and they broke up when he left for college, but Blake still loves him and they are supposed to be best friends although Cole says all the time that Blake is more important to him than all his short term girlfriends. I just didn't get it why they weren't together from the beginning because they had no real reason to stay apart. Anyways, the story gets more tangled because there are many secrets in their past, secrets involving their real families. Honestly, I found everything to be so over the top like the author wanted to write about The Godfather or something. Too much unneeded drama and unlikeable characters. I don't care about the other books in this series either.

Love Unscripted by Tina Reber
This one is just too cheesy and cliche. It's about this girl Taryn who owns a bar and a hot shot movie star, Ryan Christensen and they fall in love because she's the only one who loves him for what he is, not for his movie characters. Bla,bla,bla. Sooooo many boring scenes with lame jokes and movie quotes I didn't even understood. I never finished this one and I don't care for the second book.
So, these are the YA books didn't impress me. I know I'm 27 years old, but there are other people too who read YA although they're older. These were just too immature and many teenage girls wouldn't be happy with them either.

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