Thursday, November 14, 2013

Random favorites I

Hi, kitties!
I thought I would share with you some of the things I like, even though they can't be inserted in a specific category on the blog. I told myself as soon as I have at least 5 random things I like, I would make a post.That way, you can also know me better,right?
First of all, these is my current favorite snack. This are basically baked bread rolls with cheese flavor. I won a contest sponsored by Maretti Romania (thank you!) and they gave me a box full of these. I ate 14 bags in about 5 days. Don't do what I did, because one bag has over 460 calories, so... I just couldn't help myself. In my defence, I didn't feel hungry so I only ate fruit besides these.
I didn't know if I should be ashamed of showing you pantyliners, but I figured this blog is meant for girls, and we all use them so why not? I recently discovered these Bella pantyliners because I was intrigued by the "green tea" scent. And now I love them. They are very thin, I don't feel them when I wear them, they are made out of cotton and they help with keeping that area fresh.
This is how they look like. They also have a very affordable price.
These are my new favorite socks. I love wearing cozy socks when it's cold outside and I found these in a little store. I bought 4 pairs and I think I'm going to stock up on them. They are so incredibly soft and they keep my feet warm.
Now we're entering a bit the beauty area. These is my new favorite nail polish remover. I didn't do a whole review on it because there's not much to say about it. It's from Farmasi, it's acetone free, has a slight strawberry scent and the most important thing of all, it removes the nail polish quick and my nails don't get damaged in the process.
This is a facial sponge I bought in my latest order from Oriflame. It's the first time I'm using a sponge to wash my face and I just wonder why the heck didn't I do this earlier. The sponge was 3 or 4 lei (about 1 euro).
And finally, this foot file is part of a Christmas set from Oriflame. It's like a regular file, so it gets the job done, but look how cute the design is. I love having Christmas related things during winter time.The file was 6 lei (about 1.5 euros).
So, that's all folks, for now at least. Stay tuned for some upcomming reviews on my latest Oriflame purchases.

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