Wednesday, November 13, 2013

TESTED: Egyptian Magic Cream

Hi, kitties!

So, for almost a year now we have Egyptian Magic in Romania too. I mean the real thing, not the fake ones, and lately they had a free testing campaign, so I requested a free sample.I got it very quick with a 15% off coupon on my next order. I got only one 1 ml sample, but it was enough for 4 uses, meaning twice the use I usually get out of that kind of sample.
This is an organic cream made of olive oil, beeswax, honey, bee pollen, royal jelly and propolis extract. It's supposed to be good for about anything: face, lips, hands, skin, scars, hair, baby's skin, helps heal bruises and it's a good lubricant.
Now, because I only had a small sample I used it on my face. I read online that it's not that good for oily skin, but I tried it anyway and...I hate it. It's very thick, looks like Vaseline and feels the same too.

I have combination skin, but with this cream on my face I looked very oily. It didn't break me out or something, but I just don't like the feel of it and I didn't see any special effects and I know I shouldn't expect to see something after only two days, but considering this cream has a 25 euros price tag I expect to see something amazing from the first use.
So, if your money's tight like mine, don't waste it on this expecting a miracle, but if you can afford it give it a try, I hear many people swear by it. I guess, like with every cosmetic product, it's a matter of what's good for you, not what the commercials or others say it's good.

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