Sunday, July 7, 2013

Elmiplant Bioten Antiaging Day Face Cream review

Official description:
Royal Jelly is considered one of the most nutritious active ingredients, which regenerates and strengthens the natural protection of the skin.Due to its antioxidant properties, protects the skin against free radicals and assures a smooth texture, reducing fine wrinkles. Complex minerals (Cu, Zn, Mg) energize tissues, while stimulating cell regeneration.At the same time, restores vitality and freshness to the skin and prevents premature aging.
Packaging: Along Farmec and Cosmetic Plant, Bioten is in the top 3 Romanian cosmetics companies, but I must say Bioten has the most appealing packaging. Farmec and Cosmetic Plant have really cheap looking packaging. Bioten uses plastic containers too, but they seem more elegant, like for this face cream. The packaging looks like matte glass from distance, and that's a plus in my book.It contains 50 ml.

Texture: This face cream is very light and it looks and feels like whipped cream. The smell is delicious, it smells like honey and I must tell myself every time I use it that it's not for eating!  

What it does: It's about time I started using some antiaging face creams, so I chose this one. I expected it to be more greasy, but it says it's for normal/combination skin so maybe that's why it absorbs fast into the skin so I don't have to struggle with it in the mornings before I apply my make-up. On the packaging it says it's for ages 35 to 45, but that seems strange, because the first wrinkles appear after the age of 25 (or earlier if you have the bad luck to have dry skin). Also, in the descriptions it says it prevents premature aging. Premature. And 35 is not premature, it's natural, so I think it's more than ok if I start using this now. It's paraben free, so that's another plus and all in all my skin seems to like it. The only thing I would have loved is if it had SPF. It's important to protect your skin, even if it's not summer, so it's a hassle to have to apply SPF after this, but I guess you can't have it all at such an affordable price. I do love it, and it's my second favourite face cream after Farmec's. Farmec's AslaVital line is the best there is in Romania in my opinion and call me patriotic but for my face I actually prefer Romanian products because they're great.
Price: 15 lei from the pharmacy.
Re-buy or pass: I'll probably buy it again,because Farmec AslaVital face creams cost double the money so...who knows? I don't give this cream a 10 because it has no SPF, and because I know there are better ones out there.

1 comentarii:

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