Thursday, October 31, 2013

Book review: Hopeless by Colleen Hoover

Long time no read, I've been quite busy at work busting my ass to cover for someone who's on vacation and I neglected everything else. And then, this book came into my life. Please note I think of this book like I would think about a person, that's how much I loved it.
Sure, I've been reading for the last month or so some thriller books I got as a present, but romance novels, and especially Young Adult ones are my favorite thing in the whole wide world. I know I'm too old to be reading about teenagers in love but...I like to reminisce those days when I was in high school, carefree and in loved.
So, I read quite a lot of romance and YA books but this one...I just don't know what to say because I feel like words don't cover how delightfully cheesy and wonderful this book is. Colleen Hover has her way with words and let me just say straight up: the love scenes....I've never read something so erotic and enticing.And she doesn't even use dirty words, everything is just implied, but how she captures the character's feeling during those moments makes me want to...Let's just leave it at that, shall we?
So, the book is the typical girl meets boy romance. Sky has has a pretty strange life. Her mother is against technology and she isn't allowed to watch tv or to have a computer or a cellphone. She was also home schooled, but now it's her last year of high school and Sky wants to experiment how it's like to go to a real school. Unfortunately, her best friend, Six, won't be there for her because she's going to study in France, and Sky has quite a bad reputation. And that's because she has had a lot of boyfriends. Sky's problem she can't get intimate to any of them because she just doesn't feel the most basic instinct people have: lust. Whenever a guy would insist on having sex, Sky would break up with him because she just doesn't feel the need to do IT.
Now enter her love interest, Dean Holder. Holder is the usual bad guy there is. He has quite a temper, he beat up badly a student the year before and everyone says he's done some juvi time. But he also has a sudden interest in Sky because she reminds him of someone from his past. And Sky is attracted to him because it's the first guy that actually made her feel butterflies in her stomach.
Sky and Holder are quite a broken pair. She has the intimacy issues and he is grieving for his twin sister who committed suicide, but they can help each other heal their wounds. That is until something from their past comes between them, a secret that connects them even from when they were children.
I won't say no more, but I would just urge anyone who like romance novels to read this one. You know how there are books who make you feel giddy and happy after you read them?That's how I feel right know. And yes, I know Dean Holder is an absolutely non-realistic character (18 year old boys just don't think the way he does, trust me) I couldn't help but falling in love with him. Like I don't have enough crushes in my life. I found some nice fan made pics I thought I could share with you just because I love this book so much and it just got the first place on my romance novels list.
P.S. The Romanian version of the book came out at the Epica, a relatively new publishing house I didn't hear about until now and I saw they're focuse mainly on YA books. Kudos to them, and keep up with those great books.

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