Friday, October 11, 2013

TESTING Vichy Idealia Life Serum

Hi, kitties!
Last week, I signed up for receiving some samples of the new Vichy serum. It's supposed to make your skin look better even if you smoke, you have a more stressful lifestyle or you suffer from lack of sleep. I smoke and sometimes I don't sleep through the night because of my cat who's crazy, so I think I'm the perfect person to test this serum. If you're from Romania, you can sign up here and you'll get 8 samples, one being enough for two applications and if you give your feedback on the site you have a chance of winning some prizes too. I tried to take some pictures of my face, without any make-up,Photoshop or other "tools" and with micro settings (God, I look like hell!)and I'll take some pictures after the 8 days are over.

I'll begin tomorrow and we'll see if I will finally like something from Vichy because everything I tested hasn't convinced me to buy the products.

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