Saturday, April 27, 2013

GG's Saturday Movie: Kate and Leopold

Hi, kitties!
This Saturday, I'm in a mood for a romantic comedy, so I grabbed another movie from my personal collection. I don't get why people are saying this movie is bad and what not. It's not a masterpiece,I agree, but it's definitely watchable if you're a sucker for cheesy chick flicks like me. The main characters are played by the cutest rom-com actress Meg Ryan (before all the botox and stuff) and Hugh Jackman. Can you honestly say no to Hugh Jackman? I mean, come on.
Kate is a successful business woman who lives in New York. Leopold lives in the 19th century and has to marry a woman he doesn't love to save his family from bankruptcy. Somehow, Leopold finds himself almost 200 years later in Kate's apartment. At first, she doesn't know how to get rid of him quicker, but soon she discovers she can't resist his charm and his old fashioned manners.
So, ladies, grab your popcorn (or in my case, vanilla ice cream, yum!) and enjoy this Saturday movie!

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