Sunday, April 21, 2013

On Kitty's watchlist: Sex and the City

Hello, kitties!
I think it's not a surprise if I tell you I love, love, love SATC and of course my dream is to have Carrie Bradshaw's wardrobe and shoes. I honestly think there aren't too many women out there who don't love this show.
First of all, the main characters are all women. They live in New York (I don't know what's the fascination about this city, but I have it too), they have careers, a good fashion sense and a great sense of humor.
Carrie, Charlotte, Samantha and Miranda represent each a type of personality. Carrie is clumsy, ditsy and basically she's all over the place, Samantha is someone those who are not her friends like to call a bitch, Charlotte is naive and dreams about a Prince Charming to come and save her and Miranda is a tough, bossy advocate who doesn't have time for real romance.
The four women have in common their friendship and the fact they know that men come and go, but a good friend is there for you no matter what.
I wasn't that intrigued by the language or the sex scenes, as I watched the show a couple of years back (I was pretty young when it first aired and I had other things on my mind), so now it doesn't seem that much big of a deal as it may have seemed back then. I just liked the humor of the show very much, and for me, it was more of a sitcom than anything else.
I'm sure there are still other SATC out there and I'm curious if you like to re-watch the show from time to time or if it seems too "old" by now.

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