Saturday, August 24, 2013

Book review: A Chocolate A Day Keeps the Doctor Away by John Ashton and Suzy Ashton

Being a chocolate lover myself, I was intrigued by this little book and I was hoping I could find some fun facts and maybe some recipes for chocolate. Now, there were some historical facts thrown in there, but Suzy Ashton is a nutritionist, so she's giving a lot on info on the good substances you find in chocolate and why it's healthy if you eat a moderate amount every day. What I liked the most was that she explained what we should look for when we read the label, so we don't eat unhealthy chocolate (because it's not really chocolate).
Other than that, I liked the presentation of the book,  it's a cute little coffee table book. It's hardcover, the cover has a brown chocolate color and the wrapper shows a seductive woman eating chocolate. There are a few illustrations and the book is pretty short, about 120 pages. This was originally 20 lei (5 euro) and I think it's not worth that much, because you basically get an extensive nutritional study, but I got it on sale for 4 lei (1 euro).
All in all, I think it's a nice acquisition for chocolate lovers and it looks nice on the table, but that's about it, so I would recommend you to get it from places where they have it on sale.

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