Friday, August 23, 2013

Favisan Virginia Beauty Mask review

Hi, kitties!
Lately, I've been reaching for Romanian cosmetics just because I think our beauty market has a lot to offer, but sadly people just don't know about the products. Favisan is a cosmetics firm and as far as I know they're available only here in Romania. The products are pretty cheap because they don't invest much in packaging and the marketing lacks completely. Nevertheless, I have read some positive reviews on Romanian beauty blogs, so when I wanted to buy a face mask to pamper myself in the weekend, I chose this one.

Official description:
Produces smooth skin, muscle relaxation, removes wrinkles, traces of fatigue, daily stress, poor sleep, stimulates local immunity, metabolic processes, supports the synthesis of collagen and elastin, helps to restore physiological activity of skin cells.Suitable for all skin types. 
Packaging: Comes in a plastic jar,containing 100 ml.
Texture: It doesn't look too appealing because of the natural ingredients and the lavender scent is quite strong.

What it does: First, I'll list the ingredients: Aqua, lutum, stearinum, glycerolum, TEA, Echinacea herba, Lavandulae aetheroleum, vit. E,C. So it contains echinacea bio and lavender. You're supposed to apply it on the clean face and keep it for 30 minutes or even an hour. The mask has the consistency of all the usual clay masks, so after it completely dried up I waited for the 30 minutes and then I washed my face. My skin felt very smooth and I looked more rested and fresh than before. All in all, it's a nice face mask and besides the lavender that I know is not tolerated by anyone, I see why this would be perfect for all skin types. The clay helps mostly for oily skin, but the vitamin E is moisturising enough so you don't feel your face dry after using it. 
Price: 9 lei (2 euro) on
Re-buy or pass: I like it very much and at such a good price I see no reason why I wouldn't buy it again.

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