Friday, August 23, 2013

Book review: I Want Those Shoes! by Paola Jacobbi

Hi, kitties!
I must confess I'm totally obsessed with shoes and if it were up to me, or better said if I had the money,I would buy a new pair every month. That's why, when I saw this book I thought it was going to be about how to chose the perfect shoes, shoe etiquette and some tips from designers or from stars. But...sadly this is just a brief history of shoes. How each type of shoe appeared, and stuff like that. From Mary Janes to Blahniks and so on. The book is also very short, it has no illustrations, and there are about 100 pages. I got it on sale, it was 4.5 lei (1 euro), but originally it was 19 lei (5 euro), and it's definitely not worth that much.I think Paola Jacobbi is just another shoe addict, but she doesn't know anything new in that department.
I love books about beauty or fashion, but I highly recommend you skip this one.

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