Thursday, August 15, 2013

Movie review: My Life in Ruins

Hi, kitties!
Long time no see. I've been very busy at my job and we had a heat wave and there were just so many things that kept me from blogging. So, currently I'm looking for a new job (it's really hard to find something here) and I'm on vacation for now, so I plan on catching up with my movie list and doing some light reading.
The first movie I watched on my vacation is this cute romantic comedy. I love traveling movies and when there's a promise of beautiful scenery, I don't even care that much for the plot.
My Life in Ruins is about Georgia (Nia Vardalos), a former teacher who's currently working as a travel guide. She's not that good at this because she wants to educate people a little bit too much, so they find her to be boring. Her boss is planning on firing her, so she assigns her on purpose a tough crowd and a weird bus driver named Poupi. So, Georgia begins her tour with the tourists for 6 days in beautiful Greek sightings. Like I said, the plot is not that great and there were few things that were funny, but I liked to see many wonderful places from Greece.
You know, I won't be travelling this summer (well , summer is almost over anyways), so at least I can dream.
Kisses to you and I'll be back soon!Byeeee

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