Thursday, September 12, 2013

Clear Women Volume Maxx Shampoo review

Official description:
CLEAR helps you regain your natural shine and volume MAXX VOLUME CLEAR and enjoy such beautiful hair without compromise: zero dandruff  and more volume from the first wash . Moreover, benefiting from complex Nutrium 10 with CLEAR shampoos enjoying unique formula that penetrates deeply beneficial nutrients, feeding and caring for your scalp.
Packaging: Plastic bottle containing 250 ml.
Texture: The shampoo is pink and has a very pleasant, subtle scent.
What it does: I got only a travel size bottle of this shampoo as a gift from a magazine I bought and I got 4 uses out of it, so I think I formed my opinion. I'm crazy about trying new hair products and I liked this one because Clear has always been one of my favourites. My hair looks great, it has plenty of volume (I have thin hair) and it did help me with my dandruff. All in all, it's something I would highly recommend to anyone with greasy and thin hair. I still wash my hair every couple of days, because that's how I personally like it, but I could wait 3 days if I wanted to. 
Price: 16 - 17 lei (4 euros)
Re-buy or pass: I didn't buy a whole bottle of this shampoo just because I have another one in testing, a more natural one, but I would buy this shampoo in the future.

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