Saturday, September 14, 2013

Oriflame Silk Beauty For Smooth Skin Hair Removal Wax Strips for Face review

Official description:
Moisturizing Depilatory strips, small to remove facial hair. Soothing wipes with Hair Minimising Complex, clean residual traces. For best results, the hair should have a length of 2-3 mm.
Packaging: Box containing 20 wax strips and 4 soothing wipes.

Texture: The wax is pink and it has a very pleasant scent.
What it does: I bought this kit because I wanted to get rid of my upper lip hair. It's not much and it's not dark, but it bothered me when I wore make-up. Now, the important thing about waxing your upper lip is to have in  mind two things: if you have very sensitive skin, it's possible to irritate the area and second, don't do this if you have an important event coming up if you do it for the first time because you don't know how the skin will react. And always do this in the evening, so the redness has time ti disappear until morning.
The strips are coming glued together in a pair. I used two, one for half of the upper lip. I got rid of all the fine hair, but I did apply the strips 2 or 3 times until everything was gone. I'm not gonna lie, it hurt like hell, but those soothing wipes are the sh...!My skin was still red, but the pain was gone. After that, I let the oils sink into the skin and I didn't use anything else on that area. in the morning, the redness was gone and all I have is a smooth upper lip, something I didn't have since high school. So, I don't know about the regular waxing strips, but this one for the face are great. I still have 8, enough for 4 uses and if I do this only after 3 or 4 weeks, that means another 4 months of using this kit. I didn't use the strips for eyebrows because I'm afraid I'll wax an entire eyebrow and luckily I don't have hair in other places on my face. The wipes are only 4, but I recommend using baby oil to remove the wax residues. If you don't have baby oil, you can use olive oil. And if not, don't try waxing without having the wipes, the baby oil or the olive oil at hand, because wax doesn't come off with anything else(unless you would like to use other oils like coconut, macadamia or whatever you prefer).
Price: 16 lei (4 euros)
Re-buy or pass: I'm going to always have this in my bathroom cabinet and whenever they're on sale, I'll repurchase them.

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