Sunday, May 19, 2013

GG's Saturday Movie: Julie and Julia

I know I'm a day late, but i watched the movie last night and it was too late to write something because I fell asleep right away.
If you love Meryl Streep (and who doesn't) and Stanley Tucci ( I for one love love him) than I strongly recommend you this movie. It's based on the life of well known cookbook author Julia Child. Also, in 2002, Julie Powell, a fan of Child's cooking starts a blog for a 365 days challenge: she wants to cook everything from Julia's Cookbook.
I love movies that revolve around food, so this was a treat for me. All those french cuisine plates were delicious. Because, if you didn't know, Julia Child was the first American author who tried to adapt french cuisine so that it can be cooked by any American housewife. I didn't know about Julia Child because her cookbook isn't available in Romania, and I'm a disaster in the kitchen, but I very much enjoyed this movie and that's why it's my Saturday recommendation for you.

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