Thursday, May 16, 2013

Thursday readings: Shopaholic Series by Sophie Kinsella

Bridget Jones may be my favourite chick-lit character, but Kinsella is definitely my favourite author. I love all of her books and of course I'm crazy about shopaholic Becky Blomwood, the girl who loves shopping more than anything and her crazy adventures in the quest for the perfect pair of shoes. I feel like this book doesn't need an introduction and if you haven't heard of it...under what rock are you living? If you love shopping (and what woman doesn't), than these 6 books are for you. I don't think there's gonna be another one, so I'll post the book covers (in order of appearance) and some quotes that I think might give you a better taste of the book instead of the summary. Anyways, I love Kinsella's humor and the funny situations Becky gets into.
“I love new clothes. If everyone could just wear new clothes everyday, I reckon depression wouldn’t exist anymore.”

“A man will never love you or treat you as well as a store. If a man doesn’t fit, you can’t exchange him seven days later for a gorgeous cashmere sweater. And a store always smells good. A store can awaken a lust for things you never even knew you needed. And when your fingers first grasp those shiny, new bags…”

“For years now I've kind of operated under an informal shopping cycle. A bit like a farmer's crop rotation system. Except, instead of wheat, maize, barley, and fallow, mine pretty much goes clothes, makeup shoes, and clothes (I don't bother with fallow). Shopping is actually very similar to farming a field. You can't keep buying the same thing, you have to have a bit of variety. Otherwise you get bored and stop enjoying yourself.”

“Honestly, shopping beats therapy, anytime. It costs the same and you get a dress out of it.”

“You won’t let me buy any clothes. Now you won’t let me buy a road map, either!
I need to spend some money or I’m going to go crazy!”

“she's a red-Headed bitch and I hate her!”

“That moment. That instant when your fingers curl round the handles of a shiny, uncreased bag—and all the gorgeous new things inside it become yours. What’s it like? It’s like going hungry for days, then cramming your mouth full of warm buttered toast. It’s like waking up and realizing it’s the weekend. It’s like the better moments of sex. Everything else is blocked out of your mind. It’s pure, selfish pleasure.”

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