Thursday, May 2, 2013

Thursday readings: I've Got Your Number by Sophie Kinsella

We're starting the Sophie Kinsella weeks here on my blog, since she's my favourite chick lit author.
In this novel, the main character is Poppy, someone you would call an "ordinary girl" who's engaged with a brilliant professor named Magnus. Even from the begining, Magnus comes across as a giant piece of s..., but Poppy seems to be blinded by his intelligence and his social status to notice how his character really is.
After a bridal shower, Poppy loses her engagement ring in a hotel, and in the same day her phone is stolen. Desperate to recover the ring before Magnus find out, she takes a phone thrown in a trash bin. The phone belonged to Violet, Sam Roxton's secretary. Sam Roxton is a very busy,cold and harsh businessman who reluctantly agrees to let Poppy keep the phone until she finds her ring with the condition that she sends him all his emails. Poppy, being a noisy woman by nature, starts reading his emails and even answers to them in Sam's place, which causes him a lot of troubles.
I liked Sam's character a lot and I was surprised Poppy could even think about marrying Magnus and his weird family. Of course, sharing a phone and an email box together is never a good idea and that goes for Sam and Poppy too.

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