Friday, May 10, 2013

New NYX goodies online

In Romania,we can get NYX products only if we order them online (and the shipping is a pain in the ass), or there are some Romanian online stores that sell this products. I've received in a newsletter some interesting new goodies available here. These are:
Stay Matte But Not Flat Liquid Foundation 34 lei (about 8 euro)

about 5 euro
Eye liners (about 6 euro)
about 5 euro
about 5 euro
about 8.5 euro

about 5 euro
I've never had NYX stuff, because believe it or not, these are a bit too expensive for me. I know, third world country, right? Anyways, all products are available on (The pictures are also taken from there, I do not own the rights to them).

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