Thursday, May 30, 2013

Thursday readings: I Heart... series by Lindsey Kelk

I love these books almost as much as I love my Shopaholic series and it's a bit sad no publisher translated them into Romanian, but I've read them in English and I fell in love with the atmosphere created by the author. I so want to see New York one day after I read the first book, and then Paris, and London....ah, dreams.
The story begins with Angela Clark, someone you would call a "Plain Jane" , who's fleeing the worst wedding of her life after she finds out her boyfriend cheated on her. Without a plan in her head, she ends up in New York at a nice hotel. She befriends Jennifer, who works there, and with her help, she looks for a job and she meets TWO nice guys. Will NY be for Angela everything she hoped for and will she find true love?
About the next 4 books I won't say anything, so I won't give too much away, but here are some quotes.
P.S. Why are British authors so good at chick-lit?

“People go to LA to "find themselves", they come to New York to become someone new.”

  “I might not be able to hold my drink or my man, but what I can hold, is a tune. Point me in the right direction and give me a bloody mic.”

  “I love you because you always have a T-shirt under your pillow for me, even if you don't know I'm coming to stay. I love you because you know I want sugar in my tea in the morning but not at night and because you always pretend you forgot I wanted a skinny hot chocolate in Starbucks because you know I really prefer full fat but don't like to order it in case the girl behind the counter thinks I'm fat.'

  “but Alex's last girlfriend? now there was a female human being who had worked hard to deserve her given moniker. As far as i was concerned, she was going to that special circle of hell reserved for Hitler, Jusin Bieber and the man who invented high-waisted jeans.”

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