Sunday, May 5, 2013

On Kitty's watchlist: Secret Diary of a Call Girl

This week, I'll recommend you o British tv show, based on the famous book about a London call girl named Belle de Jour. I've read the book, and let me tell you the show is much better. They don't have much in common asides the main character's name and occupation, but the show is pretty funny and it reminds me a lot of Sex And The City because sex scenes aren't always hot and heavy, they can be funny as hell as well.
Hanna seems to be your tipically British girl: young, pretty, with a passion for fashion and she works as a secretary. Or so do her parents think and her best friend, Ben. Secretly, Hanna works as a call girl and goes by the name Belle. She works for a exclusive agency and she has only rich men as clients. She doesn't work as a high class prostitute just for money (although she likes her glamorous lifestyle) but she genuinely isn't looking for love and a husband and all of those things.
The 4 seasons of the show follow Hanna trying to live a normal life while working as a call girl and her battle with love (because no one is immune), meaning she hopes to find a man who can accept her "job". If she succeeds or not, that's up to you to discover.
Hanna/Belle is played by actress and singer Billie Piper. I don't find her attractive at all, but then again I'm not a man. I do think she has the right attitude for the part though, so she's ok.
I don't know if this is a drama or a sitcom, or whatever because lately all tv shows are not belonging to a specific genre. Anyways, each episode is only about 20 minutes long, so it wouldn't take to much to watch the whole season. Not recommended for children!
P.S. Happy Easter to all of you who celebrate Easter today! (Me included).

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