Monday, June 24, 2013

Ellino Makeup Remover Wipes review

I got this wipes by accident, because someone I know bought them thinking they were simple wet wipes and they just give them to me. I said to myself that since I have them, I might as well use them. Ellino is a Turkish brand from what I could tell from the packaging, and they do have a website, but it's not in English too so I couldn't understand a word.

Official description: None
Packaging: A pack contains 25 makeup remover wipes.
Texture: The wipes are infused with cream, and they have a very nice smell.
What it does: While I like the scent, I think that maybe they're not suitable for sensitive skin. They claim to have aloe vera and vitamin E, and you can use them for eyes and face. The eyeshadows do come off, but the mascara and the eyeliner no, so you do need to use eye makeup remover afterwards. For the face, they're ok, but I just don't feel my face clean enough if I don't use a cleansing gel/foam/cream.
Price: I don't know, but I think they're cheap because they were bought from a small shop.
Re-buy or pass: My skin tolerates them and I don't have any issues, I like the scent and the freshness feeling after using them so I would buy them again.

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