Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Parisian inspired home accesories (wishlist)

There's this site I'm checking out every now and then with lots of stuff for decor and I would definitely buy some new accessories for my home if I had the money, of course, so, for now, there are many wishlists I have. Today, I want to share with you some things that caught my attention these days.
These Le Bain bathroom accessories are just too cute. There's a soap holder, a liquid soap dispenser and a toothbrush holder.
I would also love these these paintings in my kitchen, because I'm a coffeeholic, and I love to saviour my coffee every day.
Wouldn't it be great to have this Chocolat jug? I also looove hot chocolate, although maybe not so much in the summer.
What should every coffee lover have? That's right. Some cute tins to keep the coffee fresh and chic.
With coffee we often have something sweet. And this cute La Patisserie de Paris cookie box is just the right touch for a Parisian cafe.
Everything could be served on this strawberry decorated trays.
No kitchen's complete without a clock. I like these cake decorated one.
Another cute accessory for the walls is this Cuisine sign.
And if there's a box for cookies, it's only natural to have one for biscuits too.
So this are the things I would love to have in my kitchen for serving coffee, tea, or hot chocolate. All things are available on vivre.ro.
I do not own the pictures, they are property of vivre and I have no copyright infringement intention.

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