Sunday, June 30, 2013

GG's Saturday Movie: Clueless

I know, I know, it's already Sunday, but not being a professional blogger has its downsides. I don't feel like writing on command, so I think my weekly posts about music, movies and tv shows will pop up irregularly from now on.
This week's movie is a classic for every girly girl. It's the first movie about girls, fashion, and first world problems like when to return a boy's call that I can think of. Sure, the fashion is outdated almost 20 years later, but it's still fun to watch and I liked Alicia Silverstone very much in the role of the rich and spoiled Cher Horowitz.
Cher is a popular girl at her high school and she has friends, money and cool clothes but something is missing: the perfect boyfriend. Searching for a boyfriend is not her only goal, she also tries to turn the new geeky student Tai into a copy of herself because she thinks it would be a nice act of charity.
Clueless is funny, lighthearted comedy, so it's perfect for a girls night. I watched it yesterday with my mom because I accidentally caught it on tv and we ate ice cream and gossiped about the clothes, so it was actually quite a fun afternoon.

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