Monday, June 3, 2013

Today cosmetics - a short review

No, the title isn't a typo, I want to write a few things about some body care products from Today, a German cosmetics brand available exclusively in Penny Market stores. I went shopping last Friday and I bought some consumables, how I like to call shower gel and liquid soap because those are things we use daily and I also picked up a set of two lip balms I absolutely love. For now, a few words about the products.
Today shower gel - I also had shower creams in the past and I found them pretty good being so affordable. This one is with peach, coconut and grapefruit scent. Mostly, it's peach and it smells like peach juice, in a good way. The gel is quite thick and it lathers up pretty well. The price? I think 4 lei (aprox 1 euro) for 300 ml.

Today liquid soap - I picked up the one for sensitive skin and I think it's supposed to smell like water lily flower. It's a clean, fresh scent anyways. The soap appears to be blue in the bottle, but it's actually clear. It's also thick, so you don't have to use a hand full to wash your hands. It was only 3 lei (less than 1 euro) for 500 ml.

Today lip balm - I saved the best for last. Initially, I bought the set because it was only 5 lei (a bit more than 1 euro) for both lip balms and it says on the package they don't contain beeswax. It contains vegetable candelilla wax ( I have no idea what that is, desert flower, maybe?). They were available only in Classic, so they don't smell like anything in particular, but they do have a pleasant scent. The lip balm feels really soft on the lips and I love that feeling, but I admit I do have to reapply it often.It's white and it doesn't have any color at all, or shimmer or anything, so it's just for lip care. Each tube contains 4.8 gr.

I don't know where else Today products are available, but especially if you have to shop on a budget, do give them a try because they are great!

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