Thursday, June 13, 2013

Thursday readings: The Wedding Diaries by Sam Binnie

Hi, kitties!
Sorry for the absence, but you know the old saying: "If you don't have anything important to say, you better shut up". Or at least that's what I like to say. Anyways, I'm waiting on a couple of things from e.l.f. and I'll be doing some beauty shopping next week, there will be some new posts coming.
For this week's book, I have another chick lit reading. The Wedding Diaries is a quite funny book about Kiki (see, Kiki, Kitty, all cool chicks have names with a K in the beginning) who's planning her wedding with Thom, and her diary is the on keeping us posted about the progress made in a year. Well, not just progress, because there are many mini-crisis, like Kiki getting in an argument with her mom, her older sister who's having a baby, problems with her best friend/made of honor, things getting hectic at work and of course the great B word we all hate: budget. Even if I hear the word budget, I get nervous, so I totally understand how Kiki tries to get the wedding of her dreams on a budget.
I'm pretty sure you'll love this book, and if you are a bride to be, it's going to be even funnier. And at least you'll know what to avoid when you're planning your wedding.

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