Sunday, June 9, 2013

On Kitty's watchlist: Desperate Housewives

Did you really think I wasn't going to mention this show on this girls blog? Well, of course the lovely ladies from Wisteria Lane are in my top favourite tv shows of all time. My favourite housewife was Gabrielle because I'm just like her when it comes to housework and stuff. Believe me, if I could afford it, I would so hire a housekeeper in no time to help me with the cleaning and especially with the cooking.
Anyways, Desperate Housewives was an interesting mix between drama, mystery and comedy, so I would never know what the next episode would be like and is what I like about a good tv show. The actresses were all likable and I was sad when Nicolette Sheridan decided to leave the show, but I liked watching it even after that.
For those of you whop don't know what the show is about, everything starts with the suicide of Mary Alice, a housewife from Wisteria Lane, a neighbourhood in the suburbans. Her neighbours and friends are trying to find out what made her take her own life and it turns out there are plenty more secrets on Wisteria Lane. Susan leaves with her daughter after divorce and is still trying to find the love of her life, Bree seems to have the perfect family with her husband and two kids, but there are many cracks in the family harmony, Lynette is raising three kids with her husband Tom and she tries to still have a career, Gaby is married to a wealthy businessman and her only worries are shopping and her affair withe the young gardener, and Edie is somewhat of the neighbourhood slut and she's trying to be friend with the rest of the four women.
I don't think this is a show just necessarily for women, because it's quite entertaining, so I encourage everyone to give it a try.

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