Saturday, June 22, 2013

GG's Saturday Movie: The Notebook

Hi, kitties!
This Saturday I'm alone again with my cat and I won't be going outside because it's crazy hot, so just maybe in the evening. So, for this Saturday I chose another classic for every girl: The Notebook.I must honestly say I don't even like Nicholas Sparks novels. I've read quite a few because everybody was like "oh, they are so romantic", but I'm sorry the man isn't romantic at all if you ask me, and I didn't like the movies either because I think they're boring. The only one I do like is this one and it's because of the director and the chemistry between Ryan Gosling and Rachel McAdams. The movie is much better than the book actually.
It's a love story set in the '40s. Allie is this rich girl who's on vacation and she falls in love with Noah, a poor boy who loves poetry and who adores her. But her parents are set to separate them, so when Allie leaves for college, Noah writes her a letter each day for a year, but they never get to her. Time passes by, World War II is starting and Noah too goes on the front. Allie works as a charity nurse and she meets another man who's not only handsome, but also rich and they get engaged.
After the war ends, Noah returns home and buys a colonial house so he can restore it, and that's when Allie sees his picture in a local newspaper, so she decides to see Noah one more time before she gets married, you know, for closure and everything. Only their feelings are stronger than distance and time passed by, so now Allie must chose who she wants to stay with.
There are some really sweet love scenes, and of course the gorgeous Ryan Gosling, so I think this movie will cheer me up big time!

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